The True40 Method: A Fusion Class for All Our method, the True40 Fusion Class, blends together high-intensity, low-impact strength training that is inspired by barre,  functional resistance training, Pilates, and yoga. It is meant for all fitness levels, ages, and body types. Our classes can be an outlet for you in all different stages of […]

Auburn, Birmingham, The Workout, Tuscaloosa

The True40 Fusion Class: Not Just a Strength Workout

We constantly tell our clients to “listen to your body” and “take what your body needs” – what do we mean by that? Your sleep, what you ate that day, your stress level, and more impact how your body feels at any given moment. What feels great one day may not feel great the next. […]

Auburn, Birmingham, The Workout, True40 Culture, Tuscaloosa

Listen to Your Body and Recover Well with Rest Days

listen to your body and rest